Why should you create a kids capsule wardrobe?

Why should you create a kids capsule wardrobe? #capsulewardrobe #mixandmatch
If you want more time and less clutter, hate folding laundry, want to simplify clothes shopping, are moving towards minimalism, or want to encourage your kids to independently dress themselves (without looking like they dressed themselves!), it may be time to start a capsule wardrobe for your kids.

What is a capsule wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe is a smaller intentional wardrobe of quality pieces that you love, that mix and match well together, and that you (or your children) look forward to wearing.

How did I discover them?  

My first accidental intro into the capsule wardrobe was when I created one a few years ago when my husband and I went travelling around Europe for 3 months, with only what we had with us. I didn’t know this was what it was called at the time, but I knew that any extra kilos meant more in my pack on my back, so I chose a colour palette, chose two pairs of shoes and a very limited number of clothes that I loved, that were comfortable, practical and that I knew would last, and that went together well. I loved the simplicity of having less clothes to rummage through, less choices to make, and the ease of knowing I loved any choice and they all went well together.


Since then, minimalism has become more mainstream, and the Marie Kondo effect has lots of people decluttering all the things that don't 'spark joy', making the concept of a capsule wardrobe more understandable.  I discovered these can work in everyday life for me, and also for kids. We were given a lot of clothes when our daughter was born, but I’m now getting closer to having a capsule wardrobe for her.


My top 7 reasons to create a capsule wardrobe for kids:

1. Laundry is easier.

Since having a baby, the washing pile seems to have quadrupled, and I’m sure this gets more crazy with multiple children. The capsule wardrobe means fewer items of clothing, less sorting of clothes, less folding of clothes. More space on your dining table for things other than piles of clean laundry! Win.

Wild Island Apparel blog: reason #6 to build a capsule wardrobe - it's more affordable

2. Getting dressed is easier.

You can foster independence in kids by letting them chose their clothes and/or dress themselves, as much as they are able. Having fewer, better organised clothes makes it easier to see what they’ve got to make those choices easier, and dressing themselves is easier as you will have chosen clothes that are easy for them and that they enjoy wearing. Plus the bonus is you won’t be cringing at their combos, because you know the clothes all work well together, and that you (and they) love any choice they make.

Wild Island Apparel blog: reason #4 to build a capsule wardrobe - tidying is easier

3. It saves space.

Space is often at a premium. Moving towards a more minimalist wardrobe for your little boy or girl means their clothes take up less space in the closet, simplifying the space, and making more room for other things.

Wild Island Apparel blog: reason #3 to build a capsule wardrobe - it saves space 

4. Tidying is easier.

Our toddler loves to open and close the drawers and pull all the clean clothes out of the drawers. With fewer items, she can still pull them out, but there’s less to clean up, and it’s easier to know where they belong! Less tidying means more time to do the things you want, need or love to do (like getting outdoors more with your kids - see our blog post here for some inspo on how to do this more!).

Wild Island Apparel blog: reason #2 to build a capsule wardrobe - getting dressed is easier

5. Shopping is easier.

Once you chose a few brands you love, and you know that you like the style and fit, you only need to go to a couple of places to chose those wardrobe staples, which means less browsing, less decision making, less time spent searching.  Again, this creates more time to do the things you love.  For a few of our favourite brands of clothes, shoes and accessories, check out our outdoor adventure summer gift guide.

Wild Island Apparel blog: reason #5 to build a capsule wardrobe - shopping is easier

6. It's more affordable.

You can incorporate any hand-me-down clothes you’ve been given that match the style, and then buy a smaller number of quality, well thought out clothes that you know will last, ultimately saving you money.

Wild Island Apparel blog: reason #1 to build a capsule wardrobe - laundry is easier

7. It gives you more time

Ultimately, all the reasons above add up to giving you more time. And who doesn't want more time...?

Wild Island Apparel blog: reason #7 to build a capsule wardrobe - it gives you more time!

Want to know how to start your kids capsule wardrobe?

If that’s got you convinced that you should start a capsule wardrobe for your kids, then subscribe below, to make sure you receive our next blog post, to give you a step by step guide on how to build a kids capsule wardrobe.

If you're already ready to find some summer or winter staple items of clothing for your kids capsule mix and match wardrobe, visit the Wild Island Apparel store to shop our range of gender neutral kids clothing



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